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By Chris Austin. 26 November 2020.
An earlier version of this post was published on another website on 26 July 2012.
Hello, and welcome to this blog. I am Chris Austin, I work independently on high energy physics theory, in Maryport on the north-west coast of England, UK.
In this series of posts, I would like to tell you something about the foundation of our understanding of the way the physical world works, which I'll call Dirac-Feynman-Berezin sums.
I'll show you some formulae and things like that along the way, but I'll try to explain what all the parts mean as we go along, so you don't need to know about that sort of thing in advance.
First I have to tell you about action.
About 60 years after Sir Isaac Newton published his laws of motion in 1687, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis discovered that Newton's laws follow from the requirement that a quantity he called "action", that depends on the positions and motions of a collection of objects over a period of time, should be relatively unaltered by small changes in the positions and motions of those objects.
For an example, let's consider a collection of objects, such that each object
behaves approximately as though its mass is concentrated at a single point,
the objects are moving slowly compared to the speed of light, and the forces
between the objects arise from a contribution to their total energy, called
their potential energy , that depends on their positions but not on their
motions. This is a useful first approximation for many things in the
everyday world, for the Sun and the planets in the Solar System, for the
motions of most of the stars in our galaxy, and for the atoms in a solid,
liquid, gas, or living thing.
If denotes the sum of the kinetic energies of the objects, or in other
words, the energy due to their motion, where the kinetic energy of a pointlike
object of mass
moving at a speed
is small
compared to the speed of light, then the formula for the action of the objects
over a period of time that begins at
and ends at
We can specify the position of an object at a particular moment in time by 3 numbers, called coordinates. For example, we can specify the position of an aeroplane by its latitude and longitude, in degrees, and its altitude, in meters. We can write these 3 numbers as a list, for example (latitude, longitude, altitude).
If the number of objects in our example is , then their positions, at a
particular moment in time, can be specified by a table of numbers with 3
columns and
rows. Each row gives the coordinates of a different one of the
objects. The motions of the
objects over a period of time can be
represented as accurately as desired by a series of such tables, one for each
of a closely spaced sequence of moments in time.
It is convenient to let a single symbol, say , represent this entire
collection of data. Then if the letter
, for example, represents one of
the numbers 1, 2, 3, and the letter
, for example, represents one of the
, the value of position coordinate number
, of
object number
, at time
, can be represented as
, where the
, and
are called indexes. Alternative notations for
the same thing, which can be used as convenient, are
, and
, for example.
The speed of an object is proportional to the rate at which its
coordinates change with time. If a collection of data that gives the value
of a quantity at each moment in time is represented by a symbol or expression
, then the collection of data that gives the rate of change of that
quantity with time, at each moment in time, is often represented as
, or alternatively
. The Leibniz
in the
numerator of
means, "the change in the
following expression, when the time changes by the tiny amount
," and indicates that the formula is to be taken in the limit where the
size of the time interval
tends to 0. The value of
at time
, which is well-defined if
smoothly with
. The coordinates
of the objects in our example
will change smoothly with
for a sensible choice of position coordinates,
since we assumed that
is small compared to the speed of light, and thus
To calculate the speed of object number
, we need to know to the
distance travelled for a small change in its coordinates
. For
example the distance travelled by an aeroplane, for a
change in
its longitude at fixed latitude and altitude, is smaller, the closer the
aeroplane is to the north or south pole.
For the flat 2-dimensional world of Euclidean geometry, we can choose as
coordinates the distances from 2 fixed straight lines, at right-angles to one
another. These coordinates were introduced by
René Descartes,
and are called
Cartesian coordinates. The distance between two points whose
coordinates differ by
and whose
coordinates differ by
is then
given by Pythagoras as
, since directly from the
For the flat 3-dimensional generalization of Euclidean geometry, called
3-dimensional Euclidean space, we can choose as coordinates the distances from
3 fixed flat planes, each at right-angles to the other two. These are also
called Cartesian coordinates. The distance between two points whose
coordinates differ by
, for
, is then
, which follows from applying Pythagoras first to
coordinates, and then to
The assumptions of our example imply that any gravitational fields present are
sufficiently weak that if we use Cartesian coordinates, then distances are
given by Pythagoras to a good approximation, for otherwise the objects would
not continue to move slowly compared to the speed of light. Then in
Cartesian coordinates, the speed of object number
, and the sum of the kinetic energies of the
objects is given by:
The symbol is the upper-case Greek letter Sigma, and indicates a sum of
what follows it. The idea is that each contribution to the sum is obtained
from the expression that follows the
, by substituting a specific value
for one of the indexes in the expression, and the notations below and above
show which index is to be substituted, and the range of values of
that index, for which terms are to be included in the sum. Thus the meaning
is quite similar to the meaning of
as above. The difference is that
is used for a sum over a discrete index such as
, while
, together with a tiny factor such as
, is used for a sum
over a continuous index such as
Let's now consider a small change to the positions and motions of the
objects during the period of time from
. I'll represent the
change, or "perturbation", of the positions and motions by the Greek letter
, pronounced epsilon, which is often used to represent a small
quantity, so the modified positions and motions are represented by
. Here
, like
, represents an entire collection
of data, for example it could introduce different types of wobbles to the
motions of each of the objects. I shall assume that
is 0 at
, or in other words, that
for all values
and all values
, while for times
, I shall assume only that all the
are small, and
change smoothly with time.
Near the start of the post, above,
I said that de Maupertuis's requirement, which
implies Newton's laws, is that the action should be relatively unaltered by
small changes to the positions and motions of the objects. What I meant by
that is that as tends to 0, or in other words, as
approaches 0 for all relevant values of
, and
, the change to the action should tend to 0 more rapidly than in proportion
The change to the contribution
to the
action, that results from the replacement of
, is:
Let's now consider the rate of change with time of a product , where
represent collections of data that give the values, at each moment
in time, of quantities that change smoothly with time. The expression
represents the collection of data that gives the value of the product
at each moment in time, so from above, the collection of data that gives
the rate of change with time of the product
, at each moment in time,
can be represented as
. And:
The above formula is true at every value of the time , so it can be
summarized as:
Applying this to the product
, we have:
Let's now consider the expression
, where
is any time-dependent quantity whose
changes smoothly with time. From the description I gave near the
start of the post above,
this expression is given by dividing the period from
up into a great number of tiny time intervals, each so small that
only changes by a tiny amount during any
one time interval, and adding together a contribution from each of these tiny
time intervals. The contribution from a tiny time interval of length
, where
is evaluated at an arbitrary moment during
that interval, and the expression is the limit of the sum of all the
contributions, as the period is divided up so finely that the length of the
longest tiny interval tends to 0.
For a tiny time interval that starts at time and finishes at time
, we have
in the
limit where
tends to 0, so the contribution of that interval is
. When
we add together the contributions of all the tiny
intervals, the
term in the contribution of each
interval except the last one cancels the
term in the
contribution of next interval, so that:
This is true, in particular, if is
, so from the previous result, the change to
that results from the replacement of
, is:
a quantity, such as the potential energy, depends on a number of quantities
that can vary continuously, where
represents the collection of those
quantities, and the index
distinguishes the quantities in the collection,
and if the collection of data that gives the value of the dependent quantity
at each
, or in other words, at each set of values of the quantities
is represented by a symbol
, then the collection of data that gives the
rate of change of the dependent quantity as the quantity
changes, while
all the other quantities in
have fixed values, is usually represented as
, or alternatively as
. The symbol
is an alternative
notation for Leibniz's
, and
, where the quantities in the collection
other than
all have the same values in both terms in the numerator in
the right-hand side as they have in the left-hand side, so their values don't
need to be displayed.
If the value
changes smoothly with
, or in other
words, smoothly with the quantities
in the collection
, then for
near a reference collection
, in the sense that all the
are small in magnitude, the value
can be represented approximately as:
the above formula to the potential energy, with
taken as
, and
taken as
we have:
Combining this formula for the change of the potential energy with the formula
for the change of the kinetic energy we obtained
before it, we find that the
change to the action
results from the replacement of
, is:
De Maupertuis's principle requires that the change to the action should tend
to 0 more rapidly than in proportion to , as
to 0. But from the above formula, this is only possible for all
such that
is 0 at
and all the
change smoothly with time, if:
We are using Cartesian coordinates, so
is the
'th component of the velocity of the
'th object, and
, which is usually written as
, is the
'th component of the acceleration of the
'th object. And by the definition of potential energy, the
component of the force on the
'th object is
. Thus the above equation is Newton's second law of motion.
Let's now consider the rate of change with time of the total energy ,
when the objects move in accordance with Newton's second law of motion, which
we have just derived from de Maupertuis's principle. From Leibniz's rule for
the rate of change of a product, which we proved above,
the rate of change of
, so the rate of change with time
of the kinetic energy
the sum of the above two formulae, we obtain the rate of change with time
of the total energy of the objects, when they move in accordance with
Newton's second law of motion, as:
To illustrate the practical application of de Maupertuis's discovery, which is
sometimes called the principle of stationary action, let's consider a planet
in orbit around the Sun, neglecting the gravitational effects of the other
planets, which are relatively small. The mass of the Sun is much
greater than the mass
of the planet, so to a good approximation, we can
treat the Sun as fixed in position, and just consider the motion of the planet
around the Sun. The gravitational force on the planet is always in the
direction of the straight line from the planet to the Sun, so the planet stays
in the 2-dimensional plane defined by the straight line from the planet's
initial position to the Sun, and the direction of the planet's initial
velocity, which I shall assume is not exactly along that line.
It is convenient to specify the planet's position in this plane by the
distance from the planet to the Sun, and the angle between the straight
line from the planet to the Sun, and the initial direction of that line. I
shall represent that angle by
, which is the Greek letter theta. To
keep the formulae as simple as possible, the angle
will be measured
not in degrees but in "radians", where 1 radian is the angle turned through
when something moving along a circular path has travelled a distance along the
circle equal to the radius of the circle. Thus a full
radians, and 1 radian is approximately
Due to measuring the angle in radians, the distance travelled by the
planet when
increases by a small amount
at fixed
, and in the limit when
to 0, this is in the direction perpendicular to the straight line from the
planet to the Sun. Thus the square of the planet's speed can be calculated
using Pythagoras, so the kinetic energy of the planet is
. The
gravitational potential energy is
, so the action
Maupertuis's principle requires that the change to the action should tend
to 0 more rapidly than in proportion to
, as
tends to 0. But from the above formula, this is only
possible for all perturbations
such that
is 0 at
, and
changes smoothly with time, if
, for all relevant values
. This means that
independent of time.
For a tiny amount of time , the area swept out by the straight
line from the Sun to the planet during the time interval
, which is the area of the right-angled triangle made by the
straight lines from the Sun to the planet at the times
, together with the straight line tangential to the circle of radius
centred at the Sun, that meets that circle at the position of the planet at
. The difference between
, and the area swept out by the straight
line from the Sun to the planet during the time interval
, tends
to 0 in proportion to
to 0, and thus more rapidly than in proportion to
, so the rate
at which the straight line from the Sun to the planet sweeps out area is
. We found above
from de Maupertuis's principle that this is independent of time, so the
straight line from the Sun to the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal
times. This is the second of the three laws of planetary motion, which
Johannes Kepler
discovered by studying the astronomical measurements made by
Tycho Brahe.
The product
, which is also
independent of time since the planet's mass
is constant, is called the
orbital angular momentum of the planet. I shall represent it by
. The
value of
, like the value
of the planet's total energy, partly
characterizes the orbit of the planet.
To find the possible shapes of the planet's orbit, we can convert the rate of
change of with time to the rate of change of
, using the
. The time
interval during which
changes by a tiny amount
, so
Using this result and also the relation
in the above formula
for the planet's total energy
, we find:
Rearranging this formula, we find:
To use this formula to find the possible orbits of the planet, it is helpful
to know about the Cartesian coordinates of something moving around a circle,
and their rate of change with angle. If
something is moving along a circular
path, and is the angle in radians,
as above, between the straight line from
the centre of the moving object to the centre of the circle, and a fixed
straight line in the plane of the circle though the centre of the circle, then
the traditional names for the Cartesian coordinates of the centre of the
moving object, relative to the centre of the circle, in units of the radius of
the circle, are
for the coordinate
parallel to the fixed straight line, and
for the coordinate perpendicular to the fixed straight line in the plane of
the circle. The directions of the coordinates are chosen so that
. From Pythagoras, we have
for all
If the object starts at angle and goes round the circle
times, so
increases by
, where
is any whole number, then the
Cartesian coordinates of the centre of the object come back to their initial
values, so that
, and
, for all whole numbers
. This
diagram shows
, for
in the range
When the angle increases by a tiny amount
, the
changes to the coordinates of the centre of the object are approximately the
same as they would be if the object moved a distance
along the straight line tangential to the circle at
instead of
exactly along the circle, where
is the radius of the circle, and the
relative error of this approximation tends to 0 as
to 0. And from this diagram, the change to the Cartesian coordinate parallel
to the fixed straight line, when the centre of the object moves a distance
along the tangential straight line in the direction of increasing
, is
, and the change to the Cartesian
coordinate perpendicular to the fixed straight line is
. Thus:
Rearranging this formula, we find:
This exactly matches the formula for
for the
planet's orbit that we obtained above from de
Maupertuis's principle, if
, so that
, and
, where
denotes the absolute value of
. The value of
is negative because the planet is gravitationally bound to the Sun.
The time taken for the planet to complete one orbit is called the orbital
period, and I shall represent it by . We found above
that the rate at
which the straight line from the Sun to the planet sweeps out area is
. Thus
One of the clues that led to the discovery of Dirac-Feynman-Berezin sums came from the attempted application to electromagnetic radiation of discoveries about heat and temperature. In the next post in this series, Multiple Molecules, we'll look at some of those discoveries.
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